Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010

THIS is what we found on my dad this evening. Now, I'm not too much of a squeamish girl... HOWeveR, things with furry legs and furry bodies are tooooo much. *SHIVERS!!!* Here's how it happened:
My dad was laying on the floor after working outside. As he was getting up Mary goes (with wide eyes), "There is a HUGE spider on you, Daddy!! Daddy, there is a huge spider on you!!!!" Daddy got all the way up and then Mama and I saw it. I squealed and almost screamed. Maybe I did. I'm not sure. Then.... *gulk*.... I collapsed on the couch. Yes, I know *sigh*. Things like that just give me the shivers and screams (evidently ::). Mama started to whack it with a blanket to get it off but the real hero was L4J. She grabbed a towel and threw it over the spider, picked it up and calmly carried it outside. She always did like spiders, bugs, lizards, and snakes better than I did. So there ya have it! If you ever really want to hear me scream just give me a tarantula (and those of you that know me personally had better not take me literally!)... or one of these:
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I was awarded...
Mimi at Her Delightful Hands
Woo at More 2 This Life
Eden at Heirs of Promise and (I know this is cheating)
L4J at The day to day Walk.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Feelin Feminine day 7
On Saturday (April 10th) we went to an airshow. Here's Ann's and my picture of the last day and then some pictures of the airplanes:

- Her polka dotted pink shirt.
- Her heavy denim skirt (she loves that thing :)
- Brown Sketchers
I wore:
- A white flowered shirt
- My button skirt and
- My tennis shoes
OK! Now for the airshow!
I really enjoyed the parachuters. They are really cool!
That big puff of smoke there came from explosives that the crew set up and let off. Don't worry they were far away from us!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My own Tag :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A Tag!!
What song are you currently listening too a lot?
Hmmm..... well Mama has an account on Grooveshark and she has a list of songs that we play over and over again. My current favorite is 'He Reigns' by Newsboys.
What books(s) are you currently reading?
I'm reading 1st Corinthians in the Bible, then I'm reading a book on polio in America, and I think I might start reading a book called 'The Brain' (:o it sounds kinda creepy *shudders*). I don't read a lot, actually. I'm just trying to get myself to begin to read some nonfiction.
Do you sing a lot?
Nope. I sing at church and sometimes at home.
Sweet or salty?
Both!! Those two tastes mixed together make.... yuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm!
What is your favorite hobby?
Making dolls!!! I love to make dolls because it is sooooo much fun! And I can be creative with dolls too. I love dolls (if you haven't noticed ;)!!!!!
What book have you read at least three times?
That would be the book of Matthew. I even have the Sermon on the Mount memorized (if I can remember it ::).
What sites do you always visit when you go online?
Well, usually I visit Blogger, but as of late, I've been getting on facebook. I don't have an account on fb but Mama is, and I play a game on there through her account.
What was the last thing you bought?
Right now I don't have any money soooo.... I haven't bought anything (makes sense, huh :D LOL). HoWeveR, Daddy and us went shopping.... do you want me type the list out? That would be a lot of typing (my fingers are starting to throb)!!
What fictional characters do you think you most like?
Hmmmm *taps chin*, I like Robin Hood right now. We just watched the movie and Robin Hood was pretty neat, seeing as how he's so good at everything he does ::).
Favorite earliest memory?
I have a lot. Well, I don't remember everything (hardly any) of the story I'm about to tell but it is really funny so here goes!
When we lived in the city we had a neighbor that had dogs. Well, we liked to play with the dogs by poking sticks through holes in the fence. The dogs would bark and make a ruckus, and I guess the owner didn't like that. She told us to stop, but the next morning we found yellow and orange signs telling us not to play with the dogs. We (L4J, Stephen, and I) got kinda mad :( and tore the signs up in little bits and threw them back into her yard! I know that wasn't very kind, but it is kinda funny too!
Another time, when the (same) neighbors husband was mowing the lawn, Stephen climbed onto the fence and..... (brace yourselves)...... dropped grass onto the neighbors head! Stephen was so sneaky that the neighbor didn't even know until he looked into the mirror or somebody told him (I'm guessing there).
We were naughty weren't we? *tutututut* lol!
What do you do to change your mood?
I go into our garden and talk with God. He straightens me out :)!
What was the last meal you ate?
Supper. We had beans, cheese, chips, and avocado. I made the bean stew, and can you believe that that is the first stew I've ever made on my own *gawk*? Yepper!
Do you want to learn another language?
Yes! Sign language is sooooo much fun. I'm also going to learn Spanish.
Five things you cannot live without:
- The saving grace of Jesus (can you imagine what it would be like not knowing where you're going when you die? *shudders*
- The knowledge that God knows where I'm going in life
- God's help in life every day
- My family members
- A place to shower! (LOL. OK maybe I could live without that but I don't want too ;D)
What is something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Jesus loves you!
Find the closest book currently sitting near you, and flip to page 54 (what's up with the number 54 *shrugs*). What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
Well, there really isn't any book on the desk but I grabbed one from the bookshelf behind me. I got 'By the Shores of Silver Lake' by Laura Ingalls Wilder. There weren't two paragraphs on p. 54 so I'm doing p. 44, and here's the sentence: She flopped down right away, on a blanket spread on the ground. (That was super random :D)
What are you looking forward to?
An answer from Toy Joy (a toy store here) to see if they will buy my dolls.
That was pretty fun! Thank you Eden! Here are the people I'm going to tag: Woo at More to This Life and Bess at Bess Bag and anyone who wants to or feels like doing this tag! Have fun!! I am going to get Feelin Feminine day 6 on here. I had some complications ;D, seeing as how we have more than one computer in this house.
Friday, April 9, 2010
A giveaway!
Feelin Feminine 6
- A denim homemade skirt (made by me :)
- And a striped shirt that I got at Walmart a couple years back
This is what I changed into after cleaning:
- A magenta pink shirt from Walmart
- The sweater came from (can you guess?!!) Family Thrift
- And my gray skirt was bought from Hannah Lise

- A striped shirt that was a hand-me-down from me (I got it at Academy)
- And her navy Hannah Lise skirt
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Feelin Feminine 4 & 5
- I wore the same denim skirt as day 3
- BuT I did change my shirt. I decided that that a green shirt (that came from Family Thrift... can you tell that we like that store?) would be nice.
- Black skirt from Hannah Lise
- Striped shirt (I know it kinda looks white in the pic) from Goodwill.

A ponytail was the hairdo for me today! Kelsey, I love ponytails! You have a ponytail partner, girl!
- A polka dotted shirt (I think that one came from Family Thrift too;)
- And the khaki Hannah Lise skirt
- The same polka dotted shirt
- The heavy denim skirt she wore on day 1 and 2
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Exitement..... for a few minutes!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Feelin Feminine 3
Monday, April 5, 2010
Feelin Feminine 2
Here's what I wore today:
- A red shirt from Goodwill and
- A navy denim skirt from Goodwill
All of this outfit was from Goodwill!! ThAT was really nice! (Devin decided that he wanted to be in the picture too haha!)
Here's where she got her outfit:
- Shirt was from Target! She L-O-V-E-S this one!
- Heavy blue denim skirt is from Family Thrift (we really appreciate that store ;D)
Ann doesn't have to put her hair up in anything (*sigh* Actually I like my hair, thank you very much ::)! She just got a new hair cut and really likes it.
And we like the good 'shoes' that God gave us!! We love to go barefoot!! (yes Daddy does buy us shoes LOL)
That's it for today, folks. I gotta go finish planting Daddy's pumpkins on Farmville (facebook).