Thursday, July 1, 2010

An award!

I was awarded this sweet award by Moriah! I've gotten this one before but I never did the tag that comes along with it. For this one you have to list 7 random facts about yourself:

  1. I'm crocheting a bed jacket right now (I don't wear bed jackets... it looked nice enough to wear for daytime ;).
  2. I love painting my nails! (*rolls eyes*)
  3. I exercise by doing T-Tapp (I love it!)
  4. I'm 5'7'' (like Moriah!)
  5. I am the third child in my family
  6. I tripped when I went into the pet store yesterday *laughing*
  7. I have a black and white cat named Tommy (the name isn't very original. Oh well!)
I award this to whoever comments on this post and wants to do the tag/award.

Thanks Moriah! That was fun... see y'all later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those were very random facts moe ! they fit the tag very well :) love the award soo cute!!
